Friday, June 20, 2008

RSS Feeds

WOW---I feel like im diving into the depths of this little computer on my desk and fell like Im drowning-a little.
Anyway its truly amazing what you can so and where you can go.
I really want to explore more but I feel that I have to catch up.
I promise to explore when(and if) I catch up.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Can't keep up-for example I asked for a MP3 player for my birthday, its still in the box! My three year old can navigate her Sesame Street game on the computer with out fail. So I have to say that what intrests me is staying updated in the technology that my daughter will be encountering in her world.

I guess that means I have to open the box!

Fun with Flickr

Just got back from the Flickr site. Glad I took a cruise around it. I previously visited looking for a friends wedding pictures and let me tell you that I was very disoriented. So many people with so much to share. I had fun using the "map" of pictures of places.

Blogging in the Library

My ideas on how blogging can be used
1. Book Reviews
2. Team Building
3. Moral
4. Fun!

7 Habits

The Seven Habits are a good working tool in life-one to reference to often. The first-Begin with an end in mind is the most important to me.
If you visualize yourself from start to finish you can achieve anything. It is so important to finish what you start for the feeling of accomplishment is such a high.